Monday, August 10, 2009

I wish I would have known then what I know now...

Ok for those of you who dont know I teach high school Sunday school at church and have lately been trying to push the point that their elders really do have some good advice to give. I promised each week I would give them a little nugget of life wisdom...and this is where you come in. I have some of my own to share but I am wondering....

What do you wish someone would have told you back then that would have helped you out in life?
Or maybe what is something that someone did tell you that you wish you would have listened to?

Please, these girls need good advice and I would love to hear what you have to say :)!! Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, for me there are a few things:

    1) It is our responsibility to protect the men around us the best we can. By that I mean, MODESTY. They are struggling enough without us flaunting our business in front of them. As a teenager, I always thought, "Well that's their problem, not mine." But that's not what God says about it.

    2) If you are wondering "how far is too far" or questioning how close you can get to "the line" without crossing it (when it comes to ANY sin), you have probably already gone too far or have gotten too close. RUN AWAY FROM THAT LINE!! Don't even allow the hint of sin to creep in.

    3) Sin lives in the dark. It has no power over us when we bring it into the light. So be accountable to someone (or many people) and be transparent. It is ok not to look like "the perfect Christian." Nobody is buying into that act anyway.

    4) I don't know that this is necessarily something I wish I had known because I think I did know this (and it kept me from a lot of heartache), but I find with the kids I work with, it is so important that they know how crazy God is about them. And that His love is enough.

    5) Finally, I wish I had been able to know and understand as a teenager that everything in this life is temporary. The things that we think are going to destroy us one day will be just another page in our story. Something we can look back on and see how He has been faithful.

    Hope that helps...Lord knows I still have lots to learn and a long way to go. :-)

    Miss you, Jebecca!


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